
Republicans Can't Speil to Seive There Lifes

At least it seems to me that most of the signs in this "Best Of Misspelled Political Signs" are being waved by angry Republicans. OK, I'll be generous... let's say that Republicans are disproportionately dyslexic. Or maybe they're just not good at fitting big words on small signs.

See, it wouldn't happen if they were Democrats, as they'd have a long history of
demonstrating, exercising their political voice, and writing big words on small signs. Instead, they only develop that skill when someone tries to impose socialist monstrosities such as affordable healthcare upon them.

Oops... looks like I slipped out of my generous disposition...

Via Yes But No But Yes

PS: I did have to spell-check


  1. this is great, although I can't believe you are such a socialist. Do you have a small black moustache as well?

  2. I shaved it recently...
