

France is producing more good bands than you can shake a stick at. Latest in date is Fortune, with their single Highway and a retro 80s video clip to boot.


It's Friday! Time for some monkey business...


www.totallylookslike.com is exactly what it sounds like. Uncanny similarities from all walks of life. Like Borat and Robert Downey Jr.

Or George Washington and Bernie Madoff:


Thierry Henry Single-handedly Starts World War III

All hell has broken loose following France's beyond-controversial qualification for the World Cup at the expense of Ireland.

For anyone not following the footy, with both teams tied way deep in extra time, Thierry Henry, living-god-of-football, ex-Arsenal and current Barca striker, deliberately controlled the ball with his hand, passed it to his mate Gallas who went on to score -- thereby qualifying France and cheating Ireland out of their ticket to South Africa.

The Irish prime misnister has asked for a rematch, France's prime minister has told him not to mix politics and football. The Internet is going crazy with this, as are headline writers in both countries. The Sun's Hand Gaul is an instant classic if you ask me.

A couple of good ones out of France also:

La France était à 5 doigts d'être éliminée

MosDef + Black Keys + Blakroc = Dynamite

Mos Def and The Black Keys are working together as part of Blakroc's latest project. The album is out at the end of the month. A preview song can be heard here.


NYC Flooded

Studio Lindfors have an amazing series of images on BLDGBLOG titled ‘Aqualta,” showing New York City and Tokyo after a flood. Someone in the comments below accurately describes them as something out of a William Gibson dream. 

It makes me think that rising oceans due to global warming could be quite poetic. On the positive side...


Agency Presentation Spoof

Both clients and agencies can relate to this one: A stupid idea that just won't die and that soon takes on a life of its own. Only to come back and bite you in the ass...


Steamed Bun Channels Bruce Lee

Sun Haipeng is a CGI animator from China. This short called Super Baozi (steamed bun) vs Sushi man is pretty amazing.

More details, including an interview on PSFK.


Monkey Business


Some monkey business for a friday afternoon... 


Record-rama: The Record Archive

The largest record archive ever. This guy's collection is insane...

On the topic of brands and bands

Cadillac is using Phoenix in its latest ad. Will Phoenix help GM raise from its ashes?


The Weezer Snuggie

The Weezer snuggie? WTF??

This is just too weird not to be true... Plus we're talking about Rivers Cuomo.

Kinda giving snuggies a bad rep if you ask me...



Wonderwall, a Japanese interior design firm has a great navigation device to move through projects on their web site. It's pretty slick once you click on a project and go back to the index. It works and it looks cool without being too gimmicky.

The shops they design don't look too bad either...

[via PSFK]


Micachu and The Shapes

A bit of Pokemon action from Picachu's little brother. Or something...